Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Brrr. Not winter, nope, I refuse!

It was almost cold enough to turn on the heat last night. Yuck. It's not even quite October yet. And I haven't even baked anything since Apple cake, which, shame shame on me, I haven't posted. That's just because the topping was not to my liking, so I am having a really hard time posting something on here that was not the best. It was a two part cake. The bottom cake layer, and topped with apples and cream with cinnamon&sugar on top. The cake was awesome! But the apple layer, hmmm...not so much. I will experiment and hopefully get back to this one again. Maybe blueberries. Oh how I love the yummy goodness of blueberries. Not on their own, no, but in dessert, oh man I am in love! The next time I make Melt-In-Your-Mouth Blueberry Cake, I am going to have to restrain myself. It is not going to last long in my house.
On a another note, I am making something, not sure what, for Girls' Night In, this Friday, and also a Lemon Blueberry Zucchini Cake for Saturday, which I am taking to a buddy o' mine. Update to come...Are you ready???


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